Relationships – Why (Romantic) Love is Not Enough

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When we fall in love, we often believe that these intense feelings will last forever. This notion is deeply ingrained in our culture and is reminiscent of fairy tales where the prince and princess live happily ever after. The fairy tale narrative suggests that there is a perfect match for everyone, and finding this person […]


Boundaries and Connection [Relationship Mastery Series]

Virtual , United States
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People lack boundaries because they have a high level of neediness, and we talk about the concept of codependency in one of our discussions. People who are needy or codependent have a desperate need for external validation. To receive this love and affection, they sacrifice their identity and remove their boundaries. Boundaries in relationships work […]


Components of a Healthy Relationship [Relationship Mastery Series]

Virtual , United States
Virtual Event Virtual Event

All healthy relationships are built on three core components: respect, trust, and mutual affection. These components form the foundation of any strong relationship. Just as the foundation of a building, if one component fails, the others will soon follow suit. For example, if your partner withholds affection in your relationship, it can lead to an […]


Attachment Styles and How They Affect Your Relationships

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Understanding your attachment style can provide valuable insights into yourself and your relationships. It can help you understand why you are attracted to certain types of people, why certain relationship issues keep arising, and why some relationships succeed while others fail. Knowing your attachment style can help you make better decisions about who you date, […]


Dealing with Breakups, Heartbreak and Loss – The Integrated Man’s Way

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As we continue our conversations about healthy relationships, I want to address the elephant in the room, which is the loss of a relationship. Most men who come to our group have generally arrived due to a crisis, and usually, the crisis is that of a loss of a relationship. According to Dr. Glover, "Heartbreak […]


Trauma Bonded Relationships [Relationship Mastery Series]

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This week's discussion will follow up on the previous week's topic, where we talked about how loss and heartbreak can affect men, especially those who identify as Nice Guys. Our focus this week is on trauma-bonded relationships. According to Dr. Glover, most Nice Guys experience intense heartbreak and loss due to idealized relationships and trauma-bonded […]


Reflections and Learnings – Open Q&A Forum [Spring 2024]

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This week wraps up the first quarter of 2024, and I hope that you have had a chance to earn some wins. There is no presentation for this Tuesday and we will take time to reflect on our learnings. In this meeting, I would like to encourage all members to take advantage of this opportunity […]


From People Pleasing to Self-Love: A Primer on Overcoming Approval Seeking [Authentic Life – Part 1]

Virtual , United States
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April is all about living an authentic life and breaking free from the Nice Guy Syndrome. We will explore what it means to be authentic, that is, being who you are, and accepting yourself for who you are. This means being honest, living with integrity, and not hiding behind a facade. One of the main […]


The Courage to be Yourself: Embracing Differentiation [Authentic Life – Part 2]

Virtual , United States
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Breaking free from the Nice Guy syndrome is all about becoming authentic. Authenticity is knowing that you are enough, and although sometimes uncomfortable, it also means accepting the parts of ourselves we would rather hide from others. As children, we are taught to believe that we are somehow defective due to our parents’ expectations of […]


Becoming Your True Self: Building Trust and Authenticity in Relationships [Authentic Life – Part 3]

Virtual , United States
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The discussion on Living an Authentic Life continues. This is part three of a four-part discussion. This week we are going to talk about toxic shame and how releasing our shame and discovering our true self is essential for becoming authentic. --- Shame is the foundation of the nice guy syndrome. And it's a core […]


Embodying Authenticity: Navigating Life with Purpose and Passion [Authentic Life – Part 4]

Virtual , United States
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The discussion on living an authentic life continues. This week in part four of Authenticity, we are going to talk about Covert Contracts. Breaking free from the nice guy syndrome means challenging every one of your adult and childhood paradigms about who you are and how you fit into the world. And for nice guys, […]


Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and the Nice Guy Syndrome

Virtual , United States
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This week we are going to talk about obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and the Nice Guy Syndrome. While the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) does not list under OCD under anxiety disorders, OCD and the nice guy syndrome are both anxiety management disorders. That is not unusual for nice guys to have some obsessive behaviors in […]
